Friday, February 5, 2010

To read or to sleep, that is the question

I just put a link to Goodreads on our blog so you can read my book reviews and see what I've been reading. Ella Minnow Pea is a political satire that is hilarious if you are looking for a quick read. So now that we are talking about reading and books, I went to bookclub about a week ago and the book for this month is The Count of Monte Cristo. It took me a week to get it from the library because they transferred it from another library. It's over 1000 pages. I said to myself, "Self, if you want to read this by the 18th of February you might not want to sleep from now until then." After thinking about it for all of...2 minutes, I decided sleep was the better option.


  1. There is a pretty good movie out about this book. That's the kind of reading I do, especially if it is 1000 pages;)

  2. I had the same dilemma when Owen was born. I usually skipped the nap, and did "Me Time." Now that I have 2 I realize how vital naps for Mom are. SLEEP! It is good for you.

    I love to read. My hubby got me hooked on Audiobooks. I love them. I listen to them while the kids are awake (way better than having the TV on). And then when they sleep, I can too! (assuming they both are asleep at the same time.)
